Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More you learn Islam more you realize

When you study the religion, you should fine yourself becoming more humbled by your studies. If you have only a little bit of knowledge, you may start thinking you know everything and start thinking of yourself as a big shot wanting people to ask YOU their questions. However, in reality, the more you learn, the more you should realize how little you truly know! 

(a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah)
May  ALLAH  ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Things we need to avoid!

Often times if we come across mistakes our fellow brothers and sisters make, we feel the 

urge to call them out and start thinking we are better than them. However, when it comes 

to our own sins, we tend to make excuses for them and write off our own mistakes. When 

will we learn? (a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah).

May  ALLAH  ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Paradise (jannah)

Know how we sometimes get tired, depressed, bored, or exhausted? Well, if we make it to 

paradise (jannah) (in'sha'Allah!), those attributes of ours will be a thing of the past, as Abu 



"He who would get into Paradise (would be made to enjoy such an everlasting) bliss that he 

would neither become destitute, nor would his clothes wear out, nor his youth would 

decline." [Muslim]

May ALLAH (SWT) allow us to make it to paradise and hang out there together, Ameen!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Never feel jealous or Envious, as it is not liked by ALLAH( SWT)

Know when someone you know gets a huge blessing? Instead of being jealous and upset 

with Allah's decree to bestow His Blessing upon that person, try to be happy for that 

person. Indeed, if you are jealous or envious, it corrupts your heart and ruins your life. So 

instead be happy for your fellow human being and be thankful to Allah. Indeed Allah has 

bestowed upon you numerous blessings already that you cannot even count and ones 

others would love to have! (a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah)

(a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah)
May  ALLAH  ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Nikkah of Fatima(radi Allahu anha) a example for all !!!

Today, the youth of many men and women is destroyed because they cannot afford the 

lavish weddings that have become the standard. They do not possess, in terms of dowry or 

mahr, what society says they must give in order to get married. Others get into debt for 

extravagant wedding functions. To make matters worse, the resulting marriage is often not 

even a successful one. In order to make our weddings more blessed we need to abandon 

these customs, and on such occasions take a lesson from the simple nikkah of Fatima (radi 

Allahu anha) whose dowry was one water-bag and one bed.


(a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah)
May  ALLAH  ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Make Dua for your Brothers and Sisters and Angel Will make dua for you!!!

Want some incentive to make some sincere dua for your brothers and sisters even if they 

don't know you made dua for them? Know that if you make dua for them, then angels will 

make dua for you! We are told:

"There is no believing servant who supplicates for his brother in his absence where the 

angels do not say, ‘the same be for you'” [Muslim].

(a reminder to myself first and foremost, in'sha'Allah)
May  ALLAH  ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Words we should use often!

(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say), but very heavy in weight in the balance. They are: 'Subhan Allah wa-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Adheem You can approximate these two words as "Exalted be Allah and His is the praise" and "Exalted be Allah, the Greatest"

 Note: The Adheem is pronounced almost like Azeem but not quite.

 May Allah (SWT) count us amongst those He loves, Ameen!

 May ALLAH ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen!

Allah Almighty's one of mighty mercy!!!

Ma'sha'Allah, check out this beautiful gem: "If My slave intends to do a bad deed then (O Angels) do not write it unless he does it; if he does it, then write it as it is, but if he refrains from doing it for My Sake, then write it as a good deed (in his account). (On the other hand) if he intends to go a good deed, but does not do it, then write a good deed, and if he does it, then write it for him as ten good deeds up to seven-hundred times." - Translation/Meaning of a Hadith Qudsi Allahu Akbar!

 May Allah (SWT) count us amongst those He loves, Ameen!

 May ALLAH ALMIGHTY reward us immensely, Ameen!